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Harness Nature's Powerhouse

Reenergize Your Future

Empowering Your Energy Future

Welcome to a future where nature and technology unite for your betterment. As a Southern California company with deep community ties, we specialize in harnessing the sun's abundant energy through top-tier commercial and municipal solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery energy storage systems (ESS). Our deep understanding of the local market, regulatory environment, and the specific needs of California businesses and municipalities sets us apart.

Our mission? To tap into the sun's limitless power, providing your organization with a natural, efficient, and reliable energy solution. We believe that nature has already provided the perfect energy source - the sun. It's our job to capture that energy, store it, and make it work for you.

Whether you're a C-Level executive making strategic decisions or a facility owner seeking practical solutions, our systems are designed to meet your needs. We're not just offering an alternative to traditional energy sources - we're providing a pathway to energy independence, significant cost savings, and a greener planet.

Embrace the power of the sun, the ultimate natural resource. Explore our site to learn more about the benefits of solar PV and battery storage systems, or contact us today to start your journey towards a sustainable, sun-powered future.

In Your Corner

With decades of experience in the renewable energy sector, we're proudly providing top-tier commercial solar PV systems and municipal solar PV systems with battery energy storage. Our calling is to empower commercial and municipal entities with sustainable, efficient, and reliable energy systems. As a local Southern California company, we understand the local market, regulatory environment, and the specific needs of California businesses and municipalities. Let's explore how we can revolutionize your energy consumption, reduce costs, and contribute to a healthier planet together.

Founder & CEO Signature
Justin Hammond, Founder & CEO
An image of a commercial building on the Southern California coast with solar panels and a thriving rooftop garden integrated into the landscape exemplifying the harmony between urban development and environmental sustainability that Hammond Greentech provides.

Sustainability Goals

Sustainability is a universal value that transcends different viewpoints. By adopting our solar PV and battery storage systems, your organization can significantly contribute to environmental sustainability. These systems are clean, renewable, and a step towards preserving our world for future generations. Corporate responsibility is not just a buzzword, but a motivating factor in our work.

A stylized image of a bar chart showing increased savings values on top of a solar panel backdrop.

Energy Cost Savings

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Our systems are not just good for the planet, they are also good for your bottom line. By generating your own electricity, you can significantly reduce your energy costs. It's a win-win solution that benefits everyone. With our understanding and adaptability to California's new Net Energy Metering (NEM) 3.0 policy changes, we can guide you through these changes and optimize your systems for the best return on investment under NEM 3.0.

An image of a crystal ball with a solar panel inside, held by a hand symbolizing the predictability and certainty of long-term energy costs with solar power and energy storage.

Long-Term Price Certainty

Hammond Greentech Favicon

Budgeting is easier when you can predict your costs. Our solar PV and battery storage systems offer fixed costs, providing long-term price certainty. You can plan your finances with confidence, knowing your energy costs are under control.

An image of a power gauge with a needle pointing to a low value to illustrate lowered demand from solar and energy storage

Demand Charge Reduction

Hammond Greentech Favicon

Peak demand charges can be a major expense. Our systems can help reduce peak demand, leading to lower demand charges. It's another way we're helping to make your energy costs more manageable. Our proficiency in integrating battery storage with solar is now more advantageous since storage increases the financial benefit of most clean energy systems under NEM 3.0.

An image of a commercial building with solar panels and battery storage system, standing alone on a hilltop against a backdrop of a setting sun that illuminates a regal American flag flying in the foreground symbolizing energy independence and self-sufficiency.

Energy Independence

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Energy independence is about freedom and security. With our solar PV and battery storage systems, you can generate and store your own energy, reducing your reliance on the grid and ensuring a constant, reliable energy source.

An image of a city during a power outage, with one building brightly lit - a building equipped with solar panels and battery storage systems. The image symbolizes the resilience and continuity provided by solar power during power outages.

Resiliency During Power Outages

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Power outages can disrupt your operations. But with our systems, you can maintain power during outages, ensuring continuity and stability for your facility so you can focus on what you do best.

A stylized image of green sinusoidal waveforms representing the potential to improve electrical harmonics by installing a clean energy system

Improved Power Quality

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Quality matters. Our systems not only provide power, they also improve power quality and stability. This can lead to better performance of electrical equipment and reduce the risk of damage due to power fluctuations.

An image of a treasure chest overflowing with golden coins, with a solar panel texture on the chest, symbolizing the government incentives available for renewable energy.

Government Incentives

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Did you know there are government incentives available for renewable energy? By installing our systems, you could take advantage of these incentives, offsetting the cost and increasing your return on investment. We are familiar with all Federal and State clean energy incentives, and proficient in California's Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) program allowing us to successfully provide solar, storage, and EV's for those opportunities.

An image of a gavel in front of solar panels, symbolizing the regulatory compliance achieved through the use of renewable energy.

Regulatory Compliance

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In many regions, there are regulations requiring the use of renewable energy. Our solar PV and battery storage systems can help you meet these regulatory requirements, ensuring you stay compliant while also benefiting from the many advantages of renewable energy.

We follow a clear process to help you out.

Your time is valuable, our process ensures efficiency and quality service.

Get Started


Like a good doctor, we take the time to fully understand your current situation, goals, and concerns before prescribing a solution.  Our designs are always customized to meet your specific needs.



Your clean energy solution is brought to life by a crew of State Licensed Electricians lead by Certified Master Electricians with decades of field experience installing solar and energy storage systems throughout Southern California.



We ensure both mechanical and financial performance by verifying that your system is producing as expected and ensuring that the Utility is crediting you properly on your electric bill.

We take your project seriously

Expert Custom Design

Our solutions are designed by seasoned project developers that are North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners® NABCEP®) certified.

Certified Installation
Our installations are performed by certified union electricians and overseen by state certified master electricians.
Post-Install Billing Validation

We safeguard your investment by ensuring that your system is performing as promised and confirming that your utility is crediting you properly for your clean energy.

Know more about us

Let's get started on your project

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